RISE LGU is a comprehensive software solution that provides revenue-generating information, financial management, governance, and administration systems for local government units. The solution is developed primarily for Philippine Barangays, Towns, Cities, Municipalities, and Provinces.
Real Property Tax Assessment System(RPTAS / RPTA)
       RPTAS provides an automated system for assessing taxes due on real estate properties performed by the Assessor's office. It has facilities for property valuation based on market value as well as provides for appropriate adjustments. This module is linked to the RPTS module for the Treasurer's office for the billing and collection operations.Real Property Tax Collection System (RPTCS)
       The billing functions of the Treasurer's office for the assessed taxes due on real estate properties. It has facilities for producing billing notices/statements and monitoring of payments collected in the Revenue Collection System (RCS).Business Permit & License System (BPLS)
       The Business Permit and License System builds and updates the LGU's business/mayor's permit and establishment master files. It also builds up and maintains data on business permit-related transactions which include: new applications and renewals of business permits, and closure of business establishments.
Budget and Expense Monitoring System (BEMS)
       The BPMS takes over the manual task of consolidating the budgets of all units in an organization and produces reports such as Projected Cash Flow Statements. It maintains in a database the approved budget of each unit, thus information on budget balances and variances between budgeted amounts and actual expenditures are captured.Motorized Tricycle Operator's Permit System (MTOPS)
Generates the following reports:a. Recording of all MTOP issued
b. Setup of Transaction and other fees
c. Ledger of transactions of MTOP
d. Assessment of Transaction
e. Posting of Payment
f. Printing of Forms
g. Reports
Revenue Collection System (RCS)
       The RCS captures and maintains a database of all revenue collections and bank deposit transactions. It also generates the required standard reports on collections and deposits.Executive Information System (EIS)
       The Executive Information System will access the data of the application systems in order to provide management with easy-to-understand summary information. The EIS also provides the facility to drill down for more detailed data as needed. The EIS makes it possible for decision-makers to see both the big picture and little details. It allows the Local Chief Executive and LGU officials to quickly access vital information.Miscellaneous Systems
       Able to capture all sources of revenue through the issuance of computer generated receipt.       The Residence Certificate System (RCS) will be able to capture database of residence applying for residence certificates, Report of Collection, and Deposit and Abstract Collection.
       The Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) captures professionals applying for a professional tax receipt. The system maintains the subsidiary legder of each taxpayer. The system is linked to Point of Payment System for the issuance of computerized official receipt. The reports generated consists of payment history of each taxpayer, masterlists of taxpayers, daily abstract of collection report (CCS), and abstract module of professional tax.
- Designed and proven for Philippine Local Government Units.
- Strategic and potent decision making, managing operations and governance.
- Facilitates the proper formulation and execution of development plans.
- Boosts revenues through efficient collection and monitoring systems.
- Provides effective and efficient linkage of the provincial gov't. with its municipal gov't and barangay units.
- Delivers timely, relevant and accurate information.
- Open System solution
- Locally developed
- Source Code Availability